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1-9 Written Assignments

( 24044 Reads)

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Written Assignment 1

Write the letter name for each pitch on the line provided below each note.

Figure 1.17. Treble Clef.

Treble Clef

Figure 1.18. Bass Clef.

Bass Clef

Figure 1.19. Alto Clef.

Alto Clef

Figure 1.20. Tenor Clef.

Tenor Clef

Written Assignment 2

Create your own Putting it All Together assignment. Take any piece of music you are currently working on, or one that happens to be a special favorite, and find and label as many of the items we discussed in this chapter as you can. Your teacher may reward extra credit for finding and labeling items not mentioned in this chapter.

Written Assignment 3

Write the enharmonic equivalent for each pitch given on the line provided below each note.

Figure 1.21. Treble Clef.

Treble Clef

Figure 1.22. Bass Clef.

Bass Clef
