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1-13 Ear training

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It often takes time and patience to "train" your ears to hear the theory gizmos covered in this text. The term training is used intentionally because training your ears takes time and practice, almost in the same way you would practice a sport. For this reason, we have provided a selection of online ear training exercises that you can use to familiarize yourself with the items discussed in the text. These are not examples to use as a "test",but rather an online chance to "practice" listening on your own. Training isn't something you accomplish all at once, just as you don't become a professional athlete after one practice. You also won't train your ears by trying to absorb it all in one marathon session. Use these examples to practice for short periods every day if possible, or until you feel your ears have mastered those particular sounds.

Ear Training 1

It is time to start training your ears. The skills covered in these sections often take time to master, so be patient with yourself. For this exercise, listen to two notes. One note will be higher than the other. Identify the higher note by circling the correct response below. You will hear each example 3 times.

1. note 1 note 2 6. note 1 note 2

2. note 1 note 2 7. note 1 note 2

3. note 1 note 2 8. note 1 note 2

4. note 1 note 2 9. note 1 note 2

5. note 1 note 2 10. note 1 note 2

Ear Training 2

For this exercise, listen to a short excerpt of music. Each example will be either staccato or legato. Circle the correct response below. You will hear each example only 1 time.

1. staccato legato 6. staccato legato

2. staccato legato 7. staccato legato

3. staccato legato 8. staccato legato

4. staccato legato 9. staccato legato

5. staccato legato 10. staccato legato

Ear Training 3

Listen to any favorite piece of music. Attempt to draw what you hear using lines, shapes, and any other representations of sound that are appropriate for what you hear. Use blank paper, staff lines will get in the way of your diagram. Don't draw pictures of how the music makes you feel. you aren't capturing a moment in time, you are diagraming the passage of sound through time. Try to avoid using words or musical symbols to portray the sounds. We will add these elements as we go along. After you have completed your diagram, write a short paragraph explaining the symbols that you used.

When you are finished, check the answer key
